Thursday, July 26, 2007

St.Paul-FCC violations

Federal Communications Commission - FCC Consumer Complaint Form - (Form 475)
*FCC Form 475 - General Communications Related Issues

This form can only be used for complaints related to: 1) wireline telecommunication services; 2) non-programming related cable, broadcasting and satellite services; and 3) communications accessibility issues. For example, use Form 475 for general telephone complaints such as billing disputes, cramming, telephone company advertising practices, and accessibility by persons with disabilities to telecommunications equipment and services. If you are complaining that your telephone company was changed to another telephone company without your permission (SLAMMING), you must use Form 501 to file the complaint. If you are complaining about the allegedly obscene, profane, or indecent content of a radio or television program, you must use Form 475B.

If your complaint is about one of the following: Junk Faxes; Live Telemarketing Calls; Prerecorded Messages; Abandoned Calls; Calls to Business Telephones; Calls or Messages to Emergency Telephones, Hospitals, or Nursing Homes; Calls or Messages to Wireless Devices; and Calls or Messages to Toll Free Numbers, please submit your complaint via Form1088

*Required Information
1. Consumer's Information:

a. *
c. *
(Complete only if you are filing this complaint on behalf of a company or an organization.)
*Either Street Address OR Post Office Box is Required
g. *
h. *
i. *
k. ()
l. ()
2. Complaint Information:


b. ()

c. Which type of service is involved with your complaint:

d. List the Telephone Numbers (Maximum of 2), with which you are experiencing a problem
- including Area Codes:
1. *()
2. ()

e. Complete the following if you are disputing charges listed on a telephone bill:
1. Have you paid any of the disputed charges?
2. Did the billing company adjust or refund the disputed charges?
3. If yes, what was the amount of the adjustment or refund?

f. *

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